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Public Services International General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli joined trade union leaders at the Labour 20 Summit in Moscow from 16-19 July 2013, in advance of consultation with the G20 Labour Ministers. You can read this news item on the PSI website here This L20 meeting is part of preparations for…
Entrenched division between male and female-dominated industries is perpetuating gender inequality in the Australian workforce and must be tackled, the ACTU said. ACTU president Ged Kearney will today speak at the Fifth International Community, Work and Family Conference and the 25th Women, Management and Work Conference about how the law…
ASU members have resoundingly endorsed the proposed variation (rollover) to the AEMO Enterprise Agreement. On Thursday 11th July 2013, ASU members and AEMO staff covered by the AEMO Enterprise Agreement were provided the opportunity to vote on extending the Agreement for a fourth year. Out of the 245 staff who…
Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) met with management on 8th July 2013 for our second meeting since staff resoundingly rejected the company's proposal in May 2013. What did the company say? The company shared with us in general terms the results of their staff surveys about the issues you…
Unions will today be reminding Australian workers to check they are not missing out on wage increases which should have automatically come into effect at the start of the new financial year. ACTU President Ged Kearney said unions have declared Friday, 12 July as National "Check Your Pay Day" to…
In a decision this week, the Fair Work Commission has agreed with the ASU that clause 11 of the Customer Service Employees (Menzies Aviation) Enterprise Agreement 2011 entitles employees to be paid Buddy Allowance when an employee is participating in a formal buddy training program. Menzies had argued that the…
Recently the Australian Human Rights Commission released a new resource to assist women with entering male-dominated industries. The ASU has many members in this situation, so we participated in the launch. We encourage our interested members to have a look at the new Toolkit. ASU Assistant National Secretary Greg McLean…
Changes to workplace laws that recently passed the Parliament will make it easier, faster and cheaper for victims of bullying at work to have it stopped. Unfortunately, these provisions do not take effect until 1 January 2014. It is not known if there is an Abbott Government after the next…
The Napthine Government must put the safety of Victorians ahead of politics and sign up to a national plan designed to get rid of asbestos over the next two decades, the ACTU said today. ACTU Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick said Victoria's refusal to co-operate with the national Asbestos Safety and…
The ASU and the Australian union movement in general has been a staunch supporter of Indigenous rights, both at work and in the community. NAIDOC Week from 7-14 July gives us an opportunity to celebrate the culture of our Indigenous people and to reflect on our shared history in the…