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A global tax justice movement rises: The new fight to end inequality On 23 June, World Public Services Day, PSI stands with the world's largest labour and non-governmental organisations in "putting world leaders on notice – members of civil society are uniting for tax justice everywhere." You can read this…
This weekend on Saturday 22 June, in cities across Australia, people will Walk Together to show our welcome to this country, and that we recognise the equality and dignity of all people. We believe Australians are a welcoming, generous and compassionate people. We believe an Australia is possible where prejudice…
Your ASU Qantas Holidays National Negotiating Team (NNT) met in Sydney on 12th June 2013 to continue the negotiations for our next Qantas Holiday EBA. Your NNT has already provided the company with our claims and at this meeting we tabled some detailed claims explaining more specifically what we are…
Preparations have begun for the commencement of negotiations with Jetstar for a new Agreement (EBA) to replace our current agreement which expires on 30th September 2013 (although it continues until it is replaced). The first stage of our bargaining preparations is determining what staff want in their agreement and as…
Over 150 past and present workers at Bendigo family services centre St Luke's have recently shared a $1 million back pay decision after it was found employees were not receiving all of their EBA entitlements for working shifts. Management at St Luke's – a SACS workplace under the Anglicare umbrella…
Union calls for greater support for regional jobs Target has advised the Australian Services Union that 216 jobs will be lost from the Target head office in North Geelong, in another devastating blow to the Geelong community. The ASU, which represents staff at the site, said the news would be…
  The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has released its annual report on violations of trade union rights. This edition has a special focus on seven countries at risk for trade unionists and trade union rights: Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Guatemala, Burma, Fiji, Georgia and Bahrain.   You can find this article…
The BoysTown Enterprise Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission and will commence today, 4 June 2013 and will nominally expire on 4 June 2016. The new agreement provides a number of additional benefits to you including: A number of new allowances such as travel, transport, excursion, sleepover…
The Australian Services Union has demanded urgent talks with Target management following today's media reports that jobs will be cut from Target head office in Geelong. Target has confirmed that management are conducting a review of the business that may have implications for jobs at head office. The Union has…
A briefing was given to the ASU today by the office of the Hon Peter Garrett AM, MP – Minister for Early Childhood and Youth. Greg McLean, Assistant National Secretary met with the Minister's office on current government funding for child care and the announcement earlier this week of a…