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The ASU pays tribute to Michael O'Sullivan for the honour of this posthumous award. Michael was National Executive President of the ASU when he left in 2004 after a long and distinguished career with our Union, although we maintained close ties fighting for better superannuation for workers. Our Vale to…
The ACTU have today set up a confidential hotline to assist women who experience discrimination in the workplace including being fired, demoted, forced into insecure jobs and having their role changed without consultation. ACTU president Ged Kearney said employers were flouting laws that made discrimination illegal and causing tens of…
The FedEx draft enterprise agreement 2013 has been circulated by management for staff consultation and is now subject to a ballot commencing 4th July and closing 8th July 2013. The ASU has negotiated some changes during the bargaining process. However the final draft agreement is not one the ASU can…
The ASU National Negotiating Team met with Qantas on two occasions since our last bulletin, on 22nd May and then on 18 – 19th June 2013. We have made progress on some of our claims but the Qantas response on our key job security claims and the wage and superannuation…
After a couple of false starts, Virgin management has finally locked in another date to resume negotiations for a new agreement for a new ground staff agreement at Virgin Australia. Our next meeting is to be held in Brisbane on 8th July and your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) are…
This edition contains the following items: Industry Skills Councils' joint conference – Skills for Productivity; New Australian Standard for classification of information relating to subsurface utilities; Australian Unions launch campaign for a better life for workers and their families; Electricity Network Regulation: release of inquiry report; Netherlands Members back new…
Australia's lowest paid workers will from today receive an extra $15.80 in their weekly pay packet, as a result of this year's National Minimum Wage review. ACTU President Ged Kearney said about 1.5 million workers had been granted a pay rise of 2.6% , helping them and their families keep…
The ASU urges employers to co-operate with the upcoming national inquiry into pregnancy discrimination, commissioned by the Australian Government. Driving the inquiry are alarming figures indicating that too many working women are leaving work permanently because they are offered full-time work or nothing after having a child. The results of…
This edition includes the following articles: Working for greater inclusion of youth in Public Services International; The new youth opportunities in Myanmar; EPSU Youth Network Meeting; Global Labour University offers masters programme for trade unionists; Young AUPE: Roll upyour sleeves and give blood; plus more. Download the bulletin here Youth…
If you have any queries about these resources, please use the email button link to the left. Open All  Close All {slider=Privatisation generally} ASU report: The Privatisation Betrayal: losing the things we value This report prepared by the ASU brings together Australian and international research on privatisation to illustrate the…