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For many months the ASU has fought hard to ensure that Virgin meets its obligations and pays shift workers the correct annual leave loading entitlements under your Agreement and we are pleased to report that the company is about to correct errors from the past 6 years for many employees.…
A meeting of the ACTU Executive has today called on Australian businesses to look beyond cutting wages and conditions as a simplistic solution, and to invest in skills and technology to lift productivity. The ACTU, meeting in Melbourne, has criticised Holden for its attempts to reduce wages and conditions at…
Men out-earn women in every occupational group in Australia – even in those jobs dominated by women, ABS data analysed by the ACTU shows. ACTU President Ged Kearney has called for a renewed push to tackle the 'quicksand effect' where women fall further and further behind on pay and work…
Almost 70 ASU delegates from across Australia met in Melbourne on Friday 26th July 2013 to consider the recommendation of the ASU National Negotiating Team on the settlement of EBA 10. After detailed consideration, discussion and debate your ASU delegates unanimously voted in favour of the following resolution: Having heard…
Australians believe investing in skills and training is a better way to improve productivity than greater management 'flexibility' in hiring practices, new polling shows. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said today's Essential polling showed many Australians took the common sense view that improving skills and training would deliver better outcomes. A…

Federal Election 2016

26 July 2013
Read the ASU's election round up of issues: Will you be voting for a better future? It's that time again, with a federal election to occur on 2 July 2016. Industrial relations policies have a very significant impact on the lives of workers and their families. Their shape is determined…
A national productivity agenda must include better training for Australia's corporate executives in identifying and implementing measures to genuinely boost productivity, the ACTU said today. With rising company profits over the past decade many employers have taken their eye off the ball when it comes to genuine commitment to lifting…
JTG staff have again voted overwhelmingly to endorse the ASU EBA deal negotiated and recommended by the ASU's JTG National Negotiating Team. The external company conducting the ballot, Elections Australia Pty Ltd has declared that the JTG Services Pty Ltd Agreement 2013 has been approved by the majority of staff…
The ACTU has called for proposed Codes of Practice on workplace bullying to be strengthened and combined with regulation which makes it a responsibility of employers to provide a bullying-free workplace. ACTU president Ged Kearney said that workplace bullying caused long-term mental and emotional damage to victims and cost the…
Our 8th meeting with Qantas management was held in Sydney on 17th July 2013. The ASU's National Negotiating Team have determined that it is time to report back to our ASU Qantas national delegates' group about where we are at with negotiations. As a result we have scheduled an ASU…