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Australian Unions are today launching a campaign which highlights the increasing pressures many workers face from the demands of business, which are impacting their lives outside of work. Under the banner Australian Unions. Join. For a better life. unions will be highlighting the role that unions continue to play standing…

Jetstar payroll update

04 June 2013
ASU delegates met with Jetstar management on 16th and 20th May 2013 to get an understanding of the findings from the Jetstar Payroll Improvement Project. As we know there have been persistent issues with Jetstar payroll which ASU members and delegates have been highlighting over many years. Jetstar has told…
Today's decision by the Fair Work Commission to raise the minimum wage by just $15.80 a week is a very poor outcome which will see 1.5 million low-paid workers and their families fall further behind, the ACTU says. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the Fair Work Commission had missed an…
This edition contains the following items: Roads To Recovery funding allocations; Review of the Health and Community Services Training Packages - Local Government; Women in male-dominated industries - A toolkit of strategies; Global White Ribbon Day Conference; 'False economies' part 2: 'Doing less with less' launch of report; Trade Union…
ACTU President Ged Kearney will today call for closer engagement between unions and business over the economic challenges facing Australia, and for the business lobby to overcome its opposition to reforms in the national interest. Speaking at a symposium on The Accord 30 Years On in Sydney this afternoon, Ms…
In Australian society you are considered to be an adult when you turn 18. But this is not the case in many workplaces, reflecting a bygone era when turning 21 was the criteria for full adult wages. It's time all Australian workplaces reflected our current culture and so the ASU…
The vote for the Singapore Airlines 2013 - 2015 EBA has resulted in a reduced majority of employees approving the Agreement compared to the first vote. The second vote saw fewer employees vote in favour of the proposed Agreement, 124 votes (first vote 145 'yes' votes), and more, 81 employees,…
The Centre for Policy Development's public service Research Director Christopher Stone contends that sometimes cutting can cost more than it saves. Shifting responsibility to the private sector is not a cost-effective strategy when the public sector is better placed to provide essential services. While efficiency is defined in terms of…
BUPA staff would be aware that the BUPA Australia Enterprise Agreement 2010 expires on 24th June 2013. As in 2010 the ASU and FSU will be seeking to commence bargaining with management as soon as possible. Your enterprise agreement is a legally enforceable document which provides you with wages and…
The negotiations for the Qantas Holidays EBA 2 started with a meeting in Melbourne on 23rd May 2013 between the ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) and Qantas Holidays/Jetset Travelworld Group management. After surveying staff your representatives formulated a claim which was then endorsed by ASU members, your NNT provided the…