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The ASU National Negotiating Team were back at the bargaining table on Friday 24th May 2013 together with the Pit Crew union negotiators to restart negotiations for a replacement Ground Staff Agreement. What happened? Your NNT stressed to the company representatives that we wanted to program as many meetings as…
The ASU is recommending a NO vote for management's proposed new agreement in the voting that starts on Friday. The base rate of pay increases of 2.9% x 2.9% are the only guaranteed increases to everyone's salary. The performance merit increases (available only to employees who have not reached their…
Major retail companies behind the global Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accord showed their commitment to improving the lives of Bangladeshi garment workers at the kick-off meeting. At the meeting held at the ILO headquarters in Geneva, the companies alongside IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union agreed to immediately move…
FedEx staff would be aware that the Federal Express National Enterprise Agreement 2010 expires on 4 August 2013. An amended draft agreement has been circulated by management prior to the commencement of formal bargaining with ASU and TWU representatives. There has been one meeting held between bargaining representatives on Tuesday…
The Fair Work Commission must use its annual review of the minimum wage to lift it by $30 per week and start to close the pay gap which is hurting low-paid workers. Hearings began in the FWC today to consider the ACTU's submission to raise the minimum wage from $15.96…
Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) are pleased to advise that Virgin management has agreed to recommence negotiations after 84% of the 79% of staff who voted rejected the company's Virgin Ground Crew Agreement on 4th May 2013. A meeting is scheduled for Friday 24th May 2013 in Brisbane and…
Following the Federal Government's introduction of Paid Parental Leave and the Dad and Partner Pay schemes over recent years, we are surveying workers who have accessed or tried to access assistance from them, or plan to in the near future. This will help us respond to the upcoming Government review…
The ASU has been a major supporter of funding recognition of local government for a long time. We have supported the recognition of the role local government plays in our communities and the need to also recognise the problem of cost shifting by state governments, which includes asking councils to…
Union members at Jetstar have presented their employer with a petition urging Jetstar to "re-shore" their Payroll division. Payroll at Jetstar, which was outsourced and offshored to the Philippines some years ago, has been plagued by problems including underpayment of staff, incorrect calculation of pay and leave, and incorrectly issued…
Geneva 16 May 2013 – The world's leading retail labels commit to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh before the midnight deadline. The Accord now covers more than 1000 Bangladeshi garment factories. Implementation starts now! IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union in a powerful alliance with…