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This edition contains the following items: Australia's net debt is dramatically lower than the net debt levels for every single major advanced economy; Creative Australia, 18 years after Creative Nation; Veolia loses its water contract in Nice, France; Building local government contact with New Zealand UNION (NZ PSA); Forced council…
Unions will seek a wage rise of $30 a week for Australia's lowest paid workers in this year's Annual Wage Review, with new evidence that they are slipping further and further behind the rest of the workforce. In a submission to be lodged with the Fair Work Commission later this…
Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) has put together a draft wage and classification structure which we need your feedback on before we give it to Virgin management at our next bargaining meeting. Our draft proposal is available from your local ASU NNT member or ASU representative. What have we…
The ASU welcomes the Gillard Government launch of the National Cultural Policy. "Creative Australia" will reform Australian Government support for the arts, cultural heritage and creative industries. In welcoming the Government's announcement on the National Cultural Policy, ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean said, "Bringing the opportunity for local government…
New laws introduced today by the Gillard Government will improve fairness in Australian workplaces the ACTU said today. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said that the reforms would ensure workers could raise issues with union representatives in workplaces, have access to broader rights to request flexible work arrangements and protect workers…
Qantas Courier has circulated a proposed EBA for employees to vote on. The ASU advises our members to vote ''NO''. During bargaining the ASU team sought to negotiate the best outcome possible for employees at Qantas Courier. However the ASU believes that the terms and conditions in the proposed Qantas…
If you care for a family member or loved ones, chances are that you rely on flexible employment arrangements. Research conducted with working Australians by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and ACTU, strongly supports the role of employment in caring responsibilities. Today we ask what role will business be…
The ASU welcomes the Gillard Government making a $300 million commitment to boost quality early childhood education and care and establishment of the Pay Equity Unit of the Fair Work Commission. In welcoming the Government's announcement, ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean acknowledged, "This is an important step in the…
Following yet more unacceptable cases of abuse of the 457 visa system, the ACTU is launching a Confidential Hotline to assist those who are being exploited by unscrupulous employers. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said some of the latest cases included a father of three, employed for painting and sandblasting, who…
ASU members across Australia have overwhelmingly endorsed the ASU's EBA 10 claim after attending meetings to discuss the recommendations from the ASU Qantas National delegates meeting in February 2013. The ASU claim was served formally on Qantas today. A number of ASU delegates across Qantas also provided the claim to…