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The ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) met with Virgin management on 14th February 2013 (Valentine's Day) for our 3rd bargaining meeting about the new Ground Crew Agreement. We were waiting expectantly for some positive responses from Virgin management to the detailed clauses that we had tabled at our two previous…
ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver has declared unions are in for the long haul to campaign for better job security in Australia, beginning with a national portable entitlements scheme. Delivering a major address to the National Press Club in Canberra on 6 February, Oliver said job and income security would be…
During the course of the negotiations for a new agreement for Virgin Ground Crew your ASU National Negotiations Team members asked Virgin management to review and check the way annual leave loading has been paid to shift workers. Clause 29(c) of the annual leave clause in the current Virgin Australia…
The establishment of a Services Leaders Group to advise government and drive reforms is necessary to secure jobs and achieve growth, said the Australian Services Union and the Finance Sector Union today. “With more than 20,000 Australian services sector jobs lost off-shore each year, this announcement is a crucial step…
On Wednesday, 13 February 2013, negotiations for your new agreement reached a standstill. Unfortunately despite the best efforts of your union and the employee representatives to progress negotiations, the management negotiating team would not budge from their position of 2.5% a year for a two year agreement, instead preferring to…

email campaign test

14 February 2013
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodoconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit essecillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat…
It is often argued that reductions in the corporate tax rate are necessary to create employment, increase investment and deliver a range of other benefits to the Australian community. However, despite the widespread support for this view, particularly among the business community, the theoretical and empirical case for such an…
Laws that would give mums and dads up to two months together of unpaid parental leave and choice about when to take time off is good news, said ACTU President Ged Kearney. She also welcomed giving pregnant woman the right to move to safe duties regardless of how long they…
The ASU has clarified with the Minister for Local Government that "unintended consequences" arising from the use of different terminology in different states in relation to grants and funding matters will not impact the equitable access to funding by local governments. In recent times some state governments have believed their…
85% of Australians want banks and other businesses to obtain consumer consent before offshoring their data, according to a union poll. The Essential Poll conducted for the Australian Services Union and the Finance Sector Union found wide support—over 80% across age, gender and voting intention—for more regulation of data offshoring.…