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The ASU National Negotiating Team met with Virgin management for the first time in Brisbane on 19th December 2012 to discuss what guest services and contact centre staff want to see in our new agreement. We discussed the ASU claim that has been endorsed by members after our extensive surveying…
Your AaE delegates held a teleconference with Qantas Freight management on Thursday 13 December 2013 to try and get answers to the many questions you have about the new Qantas Freight structure arising from AaE becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Qantas. As best we can determine Qantas will be…
On 15 & 30 November ASU Reps joined other bargaining reps in the first meetings with management about a replacement agreement. The ASU bargaining team were: Warren Fridell (National), Jenny Sleba (C&SQ C&A) and delegates Michael Mohr and Terri-Ann Fisher. Management were represented by HR Manager Cara Benoit, Geoff Walshaw…
The search is on for outstanding contributors to the community sector with the launch of the HESTA Community Sector Awards — recognising the tireless efforts of people working to improve the lives of those in need. HESTA and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) have joined forces to launch…
The ACTU has warned against an employer push to reduce or remove weekend penalty rates in Awards and cut the take home pay of over 500,000 low-paid workers. Fair Work Australia will today hear submissions in Melbourne from employer groups who want to remove or reduce penalty rates in awards…
We are extremely proud to introduce our ASU Virgin Australia National Negotiating team who will be representing ASU members at the negotiations for the new Virgin Australia Ground Crew Agreement. Each Team member may come from a different background, location or experience but all are committed to working closely with…
Unions today called on the federal government implement consumers' right to know legislation, so Australians can make informed decisions about where their sensitive personal data is stored. In a draft guide published this week, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has identified off-shoring as an area of weakness in banks' data…
The Australian Center for Excellence in Local Government (ACELG) has released the most comprehensive industry survey of any industry in Australia for local government. The survey has the support of the most state jurisdictions and the Federal Government, plus local government ministers, but all local councils in all states can…
Following the publication of the Federal Government's Energy White Paper in early November, various media and other sources have been suggesting that the Government supports electricity privatisation. This was not the ASU's interpretation of the Government's position, so we sought a clarification from the Prime Minister's office which has confirmed…

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10 December 2012
Security All purchases on this site are made via a HTTPS connection encrypted using a 2048 bit SSL certificate. Privacy policy We highly value our relationships with our clients. As such, we only share your information with external companies if they are part of the delivery chain, eg our order…