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The ACTU will today urge Parliament to reject a bill that would strip penalty rates from up to 500,000 workers in businesses with less than 20 employees. ACTU president Ged Kearney said new Australian Bureau of Statistics data showing a continuing fall in wages in the food and accommodation and…
Aero-Care has circulated a proposed agreement asking employees to vote in favour of it. The ASU advises our members to vote ''NO''. The ASU believes that the wages in the agreement are too low, that the hours required to work are unfair and that the agreement favours Aero-Care at the…
Thanks to all Guest Services and Contact Centre staff who filled out our recent agreement survey. We got a fantastic response! Below you can see a word cloud which represents the key things you told us in the survey. There are many common issues that are important to staff across…
Employees must be given a genuine right to ask for family-friendly work arrangements, including going part-time, to balance work and caring responsibilities, the ACTU said today. ACTU president Ged Kearney said that the lack of a right to family friendly work arrangements was forcing women out of the workforce or…
The bonus that should have been a great reward for loyal hardworking Jetstar customer service staff has turned into yet another Jetstar payroll disaster, the fourth major payroll system failure this year. Hot on the heels of the failure to pay the 3% pay rise due in October 2012 comes…
The ASU has been bargaining with Aero-Care since February 2012 after Fair Work Australia refused to approve the original agreement lodged by Aero-Care. The ASU's sole intent has been to bargain to get the best Agreement for our members. The minimum conditions the Aero-Care Agreement should include is the terms…
The "Worth Respect" campaign focused on the contribution that the almost 10,000 Australian based Qantas staff to be covered by EBA 9 make to the airline. The campaign highlighted that Qantas staff, their families, this great Australian airline and the Qantas passengers are "Worth respect".  Check out the Final QEBA9…
Our ASU Qantas Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 10 (EBA 10) commenced with the release of our EBA survey in October 2012; see Bulletin 1. Almost 1300 staff filled in the Survey and told us what they believed should be the ASU priorities in EBA 10. A Qantas Group National Delegates meeting…
Our current ASU Jetstar Enterprise Bargaining agreement expires on 30 September 2013. To launch our ASU Jetstar EBA 5 Campaign we held a competition among our Jetstar members to name our campaign with a theme and slogan which reflects what our members think is important. The winner of our competition…
The ASU National Delegate of the Year awards are one of the very special events held at each meeting of National Conference. The 2012 award was announced by National Secretary David Smith at the ASU National Conference Dinner last night at Adelaide Town Hall. It was awarded to Kristen Gilbertson…