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Your ASU JTG National Negotiating Team (NNT) are pleased to advise that JTG management have now come back to us with an offer we can recommend to ASU members. This offer will be considered by members at meetings convened to determine whether ASU members accept the NNT's recommendation. In December…
This edition contains the following items: ASU appears before productivity Commission hearings; National Transport Commission (NTC) is currently reviewing the heavy vehicle charging system; Remunicipalizing public services in Europe; Water Industry Operators Association - advice for ASU Branches working in water; Fires and Storms across Australia; Cuts to public sector…
This International Women's Day on 8 March we reflect on the way ASU members are working to improve income security for women and joining global campaigns to address violence against women. ASU members gathered with other community citizens in all states this year, to dance together for an end to…
Bargaining continued with Malaysia Airlines Management on Monday 25 February. The claims that Malaysia Airlines Management agreed to were confirmed and the remaining claims, including the increases to wage rates, were further discussed. The outcome of the latest round of negotiations is: [download the full bulletin below to see the…
New research by the ACTU reveals that wages have failed to keep up with productivity growth over the past decade, busting the myth of a wages breakout and confirming that profits are increasing at the expense of workers' incomes. The research, by the ACTU's Economic Policy Unit, to be presented…
Unions will today call on Fair Work Australia to lift pay rates for apprentices to ensure young people continue to have a pathway to secure jobs and Australia can have a reliable supply of skilled workers. Launching a case in the Fair Work Commission brought by unions in Sydney today,…
State boost as jobs relocate from India to Kingston The Australian Services Union has welcomed a decision from telecommunications company Vodafone to relocate 750 call centre jobs from Mumbai to Tasmanian region Kingston, with valuable assistance from the Australian and Tasmanian Governments. Today Prime Minister Julia Gillard will announce the…
That is what JTG representatives told ASU delegates and officials who met with representatives from Jetset Travelworld Group and Qantas by teleconference on Monday 25th February 2013 to discuss the "productivity reporting" scheme, unimaginatively called "Who Did What" that JTG want to introduce for JTG services and Qantas employees at…
Negotiations for the TSF Social Enterprise Agreement 2013 continued on 15th February. During the meeting TSF management outlined issues they wished to address as follows (ASU response in red italics): Amend TSF Vision and Mission Statement. Agreed. Remove reference to awards. Agreement to clearer reference to underpinning awards: Social, Community, Home…
Payroll just doesn't seem to be getting any better at Jetstar. Errors are still occurring and while we know Jetstar is doing a review of their system – can we be confident that it will all be fixed? Your ASU National delegates are due to meet Jetstar for our regular…