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The ASU is pleased to report that we have finalised a new Enterprise Agreement with BoysTown. On 14 April 2012 the ASU, along with employee bargaining representatives, reached in principle agreement on all terms and conditions for the new BoysTown Enterprise Agreement (EA). We have been working closely with BoysTown…
The union representing community sector workers has welcomed the news from the State Government about the size of its commitment to a wage rise for thousands of South Australian community sector workers. Australian Services Union SA Secretary Katrine Hildyard says the SA Government will provide more than $119m extra to…
ASU Jetstar delegates attended the ASU regular meeting with management on 3rd April 2013 in Melbourne. What was on the agenda? We raised and discussed the following issues with Jetstar management: Uniforms Issue – once again we raised the issue of uniforms, in particular the poor quality of the "new"…
Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) tabled all our remaining detailed claims for EBA 10 at our second negotiation meeting with Qantas management on 10th April 2013. Now "the ball is in management's court" as they must respond comprehensively to our claims and also disclose what claims or changes the…
Unions angry at Coalition leaked documents that show four key Workchoices policies - that the Australian public clearly voted against - would be resurrected if the Coalition wins government in September. The documents reveal 4 of the 15 industrial relations policies the Coalition says it is planning to implement. These…
Your ASU NNT members met with Virgin management on 25th March 2013 and tabled our objections to their first draft agreement. We received another draft version of the agreement at the meeting with a new and very significant inclusion in the overtime clause – a proposal to include a definition…
Electricity unions will today launch a multi-million dollar community campaign against aproposal by the O'Farrell Government to sell the state's electricity poles and wiresmonopoly to pay for unfunded election commitments.  ETU ASU Privatisation Launch
After holding report back meetings across Australia, ASU members at JTG have overwhelmingly decided to accept the latest offer for a new agreement at JTG.   The company has been advised of this result and now all staff covered by the agreement (EBA) must consider the recommended EBA and participate…
It pays to belong to the ASU. As previously advised during the course of the negotiations for a new agreement for Virgin Ground Crew your ASU National Negotiating Team members (NNT) identified a problem with the way annual leave loading has been paid to shift workers. Clause 29(c) of the…
The ASU Qantas EBA 10 National Negotiating Team (NNT) had our first negotiation meeting with Qantas management on 26th March in Sydney and we hit the ground running tabling 10 detailed claims and starting our discussions on our log of claims for ASU EBA 10. We gave the company representatives…