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Check out and share our new video about what Campbell Newman's LNP Government is doing to your public passenger rail services. The new video is the latest part of the Our Queensland, Our Future Campaign to protect essential services like public transport against the Newman Government's privatisation plans. In passenger…
Our current Emirates agreement expires on 31st December 2013 and while it might seem a long way off it is never too early to start getting ready for the next round of bargaining, so shortly your union, the Australian Services Union (ASU) will be distributing a survey designed to determine…
THE Government will invest $1 billion boosting innovation, productivity and competitiveness through its Plan for Australian Jobs, including $500 million to establish 10 Industry Innovation Precincts, and $378 million to stimulate venture capital. Projects worth more than $500 million must include an Australian Industry Participation Plan, and there will be…
If you support better funding for Australian schools, give a Gonski on Saturday, the 25th of May. The Gonski Review made it clear that we must urgently invest in education and public schools. The Prime Minister has put $9.4 billion on the table to make the Gonski reforms a reality…
Labour rights groups push brands to sign agreement before deadline of 15 May Over one million people have signed petitions calling for brands sourcing from Bangladesh to sign the legally-binding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh immediately. UNI Global Union General Secretary Philip Jennings: “The Accord is a…
Our fourth Qantas EBA 10 meeting was held on 8th May 2013 and there is still no Qantas response to our key job security claims or our wage and superannuation claim. The company has tabled their part time work proposal which we believe will result in the phasing out of…
The ACTU has warned that Tony Abbott's proposed Productivity Commission inquiry into Industrial Relations will be used by business to try and impose extreme laws that limit workers' rights. ACTU Secretary, Dave Oliver said remarks today by business leaders and former IR Minister Peter Reith showed business groups wanted Mr…
The Coalition's IR policy is an attempt to return individual contracts to the heart of the IR system while trying to reassure workers that nothing will change, the ACTU said today. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Coalition's attempt to expand the use of Individual Flexibility Agreements, and allow them…
BoysTown employees have spoken and overwhelmingly voted in favour of the new Agreement. We are pleased to announce that the proposed new BoysTown Agreement negotiated between the ASU, employee representatives and BoysTown management has resoundingly been given your tick of approval.   Download the full bulletin below    Boystown Bulletin…
Our ASU Jetstar EBA 5 campaign will soon begin and we need a campaign theme and slogan that reflects what our members think is important. Do you have an idea for our slogan/theme that can be used on our bulletins, on badges, stickers and everything that is campaign related? Why…