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After many years of faithful service, ASU National Net was today replaced by ASUnational, the new website of the Australian Services Union National Office. As well as a fresh new look, ASUnational has been designed to make our website visitors' experience much more rewarding. Key features of the new website…

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21 November 2012
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Unions have warned that an increasing number of Australians are working unpaid overtime, as "Go Home on Time Day" encourages workers to try to leave work on time. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the growth of insecure work and unpaid overtime were putting more pressure on workers and families. "Today…
This full contact list is available only to ASU staff members logged in to the SAFE section. The public Contact list does not contain the names of staff, only Branch and Assistant/Deputy Secretaries.     Open AllClose All {slider=National Office Melbourne & Sydney}Please direct all correspondenceto the Melbourne Office: National…


20 November 2012
The ASU was the largest union in Ansett with members Australia wide who worked at airports, in cargo, operations, reservations and head office before the airline's final collapse in February 2002. On this page we want to provide information to members on the resources that are available to assist members…
Over the last month ASU members at Eastern Australia Airlines have considered the new offer from management for our EBA and they have overwhelmingly endorsed the proposed agreement. As a result of this endorsement the negotiated deal has now gone out to staff for consideration. Formal voting on whether to…


20 November 2012
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If additional motions (motions not provided in the original papers) arise, they will be recorded on this page. [...]
Return to NC2014 HOME PAGE If additional motions (motions not provided in the original papers) arise, they will be recorded on this page.     Green Army                              Recommendation:   “The National Conference opposes the reduction of wages and conditions by the introduction of Government programs (e.g. Abbott Green…
Return to NC2016 HOME PAGE If additional motions (motions not provided in the original papers) arise, they will be recorded on this page.