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Pay Up

01 November 2012
Pay Up - No More Lip Service to Equal Pay is a campaign of the Australian Services Union (ASU). The ASU is the union of Community Sector Workers. Community Sector workers are undervalued and underpaid and not properly respected. Their work has traditionally been seen as "women's work" and their…
Community Sector & Disability Sector Workers – do you understand equal pay? The outcome of the Equal Pay Case from Fair Work Australia and implementation of the new SCHCADS (SACS Modern Award) from 1 July 2012 produced a changing industrial relations environment for disability and community services. The Australian Government…

Child Care

01 November 2012
The Australian Services Union (ASU), with over 100 years representing local government workers, including child care workers in that sector, believes local government should play a role. This means connecting back into the organisations that provide maternal child health services, immunisation programs, mobile libraries, baby capsule hire, health services and…


01 November 2012
We don't have a choice: Australia must act on climate change. The changes happening now to the climate are real and so are the impacts on all Australians - so we must act. And unions have a role to play. As we make the inevitable transformation to a low pollution…

Enrol to vote

01 November 2012
Democracy is up for grabs - enrol to vote! The federal, state and local government elections are critical in shaping the society we live in. It is when we all make our voices heard at the ballot box that we can have a real say in the way our country…

Community partnerships

01 November 2012
In addition to our core industrial work, the ASU has productive and valuable relationships with a selection of community organisations and supports a range of community causes. Below you will find information about the partnerships actively supported by the ASU National Office. ASU Branches are active in their communities too,…


01 November 2012
The ASU recognises that many local industrial issues have antecedents in other nations. We also know that globalisation means that the labour standards of workers in other countries can, and do, impact the labour standards of Australian workers. As a result, the ASU is involved through various means with international…
Australian society, like many other societies throughout the world, has seen its governments pursue agendas of reduced spending on public services and infrastructure. Governments have also encouraged the pursuit of private sector participation in public services via privatisation, which has often not been in the interests of the Australians who…

Superannuation & retirement

01 November 2012
Stand up for Super All Australians deserve a decent retirement Australia’s universal superannuation system is the difference between poverty and a decent retirement for most Australians. Superannuation and the decisions that are made today will have a far-reaching impact on what retirement looks like for all hard-working Australians: It is…

Young ASU members

01 November 2012
Even the young, with the bulk of their working lives ahead of them, experience discrimination in the workforce. The ASU is concerned with making sure their rights are protected.