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ASU Industries

29 October 2012
The ASU operates in various industries under the auspices of an internal body known as an Industry Division or an Industry Committee. If you want to know what is happening in your ASU industry, follow the links to your industry's home page (use the "Industries" menu above). The ASU is…

Employment Services

29 October 2012
The ASU is the union for workers in the employment services sector, part of the social and community services (SACS) industry. Across Australia there are thousands of employment services workers, in organisations big and small with the one goal of finding Australians meaningful and ongoing employment. If you are an…

Energy & Water

29 October 2012
The Australian Services Union is the union for energy and water workers in Australia. The responsibility of providing electricity & gas (energy), and water/sewerage in our society falls on ASU members across the country. Their professionalism ensures continuity of services and in times of crises like natural disasters, they are…
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is currently being rolled out across the country. It's a huge social policy initiative that will have a profound effect on the disability sector. A few very significant things the NDIS means for the sector: A doubling of people receiving supports. A doubling of…

Call Centres

29 October 2012
The ASU has been campaigning for many years to improve Australia's call centres for those working in the industry. The call centre industry is a major employer in Australia and an integral part of our nation's economy. The ASU wants to make sure all call centre workers enjoy the same,…

Transport, Ports & Shipping

29 October 2012
The ASU has coverage of members in a variety on transport, shipping and ports industries. ASU members organise their workplaces to improve: collective bargaining occupational health and safety (OHS) work and family balance industry standards The ASU also participates in the global collective. Global activity in transport, ports and shipping…


29 October 2012
The travel industry includes employees working as travel agents, travel wholesalers, money exchanges and in the travel industry generally. We are currently working on a new Agreement in 2018 for Flight Centre – you can sign up for more information here You can join the ASU online at -  
The ASU looks after workers in the information technology, business and office equipment industries.   Open All  Close All {slider=The ASU’s information technology coverage} Following is a summary of the ASU’s coverage in this sector. It is not exhaustive, so if you do not see your position or employer listed,…
The ASU is the largest union of workers in the social and community services (SACS) sector. The ASU covers workers in what is commonly termed the "non-government social and community services industry". The term non-government can be misleading as most organisations or services receive funding from the government; however, workers…
The ASU is the biggest Australian union covering airline industry workers. Our members work for Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia, Regional Express, Eastern Australia Airlines, Sunstate Airlines, Singapore Airlines, United Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Emirates and other overseas airlines, as well as contractors in the industry like Menzies Aviation Services and Aerocare…