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One of the worst kept secrets in Australian Aviation about the change of ownership of AaE and StarTrack has now been made public. Qantas announced today that it is to buy out Australia Post's share of AaE and Australia Post will buy out the Qantas share of StarTrack, once the…
The NEAMI draft agreement has been issued by management and is subject to a ballot of staff from 4 October to 11 October 2012. The offer is for a 3 year agreement with 3% pay increase in July each year. All staff covered by the agreement will have the opportunity…

JTG - We are worth more!

28 September 2012
That was the clear message that the JTG National Negotiating Team (NNT) have sent to management at the two most recent EBA meetings on 3rd and 25th September 2012. At our last meeting we tabled a comprehensive pay structure with transparent pay steps which we say reflect our true worth…
Recently Senator Xenophon introduced a bill to parliament that would scrap penalty rates for thousands of workers. Despite hundreds of emails sent to the Senator asking him to Bin his Bill, he hasn't listened and more employers are joining him. Now it's time to tell the Senate direct what individual…
Australians' enjoyment of the biggest sporting weekend of the year is under threat from a push by employers and politicians to create a 24/7 economy and abolish penalty rates, say unions. The ACTU has called on Parliament to reject a push to strip penalty rates from hundreds of thousands of…
One in four young workers are not receiving their legal entitlements to penalty rates, sick leave, superannuation and other conditions because employers are using a black market cash economy to avoid their obligations, according to new research. A survey of more than 1000 workers commissioned by the Victorian Trades Hall…

Jetstar payroll under review

26 September 2012
ASU delegates met with the company recently to discuss a range of issues arising from the errors made in issuing the Jetstar group certificates. It now appears that Jetstar has taken on board our general feedback over many years that has highlighted the problems with the company's payroll system as…
A media release issued today from Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Bill Shorten has advised: "The Australian Government will urgently introduce an amendment to the Fair Work Act to protect the entitlements of tens of thousands of state public servants threatened by job cuts announced by state governments." Minister…
The Government's commitment to maintain the penalty rates system shows it is on the side of Australian workers who give up precious family and social time to go to work at weekends, say unions. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Government should be congratulated for resisting the scare campaign being…

Back to the table at Eastern

14 September 2012
ASU reps have gone back to the bargaining table with Qantaslink/Eastern management after the first EBA proposal was not supported by staff. Your National Negotiating Team (NNT) met with management on 5th and 13th September 2012 to discuss a revised agreement. Management has advised that it is their intention to…