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A Productivity Commission draft report has reinforced that the primary criteria for default superannuation funds in modern awards should be how they serve workers, not commercial interests, say unions. The draft report from the inquiry released today confirms that the investment returns of not-for-profit default industry funds have exceeded those…
Australians stand to benefit from new job opportunities in energy efficient and clean energy industries after the Senate last night approved the creation of an independent government body to provide finance for innovative, clean technology companies, say unions. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the Clean Energy Finance Corporation would play…

Women's News

22 June 2012
This edition includes items on the following: Safe At Home Safe At Work Project; Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws; Should age be a barrier to work?; and New gender equality in the workplace laws have passed the lower house. Safe At Home Safe At Work Project Many ASU organisers have…
Today at noon, Fair Work Australia handed down a final decision in the Equal Pay Case for social and community services (SACS) workers. The decision concerned the timetable for pay increases that flow from their earlier decision of 1 February 2012. Despite a number of submissions from parties seeking to…
The High Court decision yesterday in relation to the federally funded chaplaincy program in schools may have repercussions for direct Federal Government funding of local government. This highlights the need for constitutional recognition of local government. An expert panel was formed last year to look into constitutional recognition of local…
The release of the first grants from the Government's $1 billion Clean Technology Investment Programs are a vote of confidence in manufacturing jobs under a price on carbon, say unions. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the grants would sustain manufacturing industry and jobs by helping them to install environmentally-friendly technology…
Today's decision by Fair Work Australia to grant just a $17.10 increase to Australia's lowest paid workers will see those on minimum wages fall further behind the rest of the workforce and risks entrenching a working poor in Australia, say unions. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the Annual Wage Review…
Today at ACTU Congress, the Australian Services Union (ASU) and the Finance Sector Union (FSU) will be making a presentation on the state of the white collar sector which throws a spotlight on the crisis facing not just workers in the sector but the Australian economy in general. The services…
In late 2011 the Federal Minister for Energy released the Government's "Draft Energy White Paper" after a two year industry dialogue. The dialogue included an industry round table discussion, submissions and consultations with stakeholders. The ASU National Office (on behalf of all Branches) was involved. We have now lodged our…
The scare campaign against action on climate change has once again been proved wrong by international research showing up to one million new Australian jobs would be created by positive investment in clean energy, say unions. Globally unions are calling for increased private and public investment in clean energy technologies…