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ASU Poll Article

24 October 2012
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Earlier this month, the ASU and FSU launched a report detailing the crisis in service sector employment. With offshoring claiming 80,000 jobs in the last four years and predicted to erase 20,000 more each year if the crisis is not addressed, the report produced by the National Institute of Economic…
At the recent national meeting of ASU Qantas delegates it was resolved to commence our preparations for our Qantas EBA 10 this year. As a result our Qantas EBA 10 ASU survey has now been released to enable staff to express a view about what we should claim in this…
The ASU has been invited to participate in the review of the "Children's and Youth Services Qualifications" by the Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council. The qualifications would be held by members working in community services areas of local government. Those interested in the qualification review should contact the…
Last week, the ASU reported on research from the University of Sydney highlighting the significance to the public of state owned infrastructure, particularly in the electricity industry. In light of reports in recent days about the push to privatise billions of dollars of publically owned assets by Infrastructure Australia and…
The ASU is hailing a recently published paper from the University of Sydney that supports the public ownership of the Australian electricity industry. The briefing paper shows that it's not only service, jobs and regional employment that are affected, but it's financially more beneficial for the community and state governments…
UNI P&M group has launched its Work-Life Management fortnight of action to challenge the long hours and short breaks culture that is being taken for granted in many workplaces around the world. The ASU is an affiliate of UNI and supports this action. You can view this article on the…
A new report has confirmed business off-shoring practices are costing Australia 20-25,000 administrative and financial services jobs every year. The report, Off-shore and Off Work prepared for the Finance Sector Union and the Australian Services Union by the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR), confirms that 2008 estimates…
A new report highlighting the growth of insecure work across the globe, released in time for World Day for Decent Work, is disturbing evidence that employers around the world are joining forces to erode workers' rights and conditions through labour hire. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the report, The Triangular…
The union movement has been at the forefront of many successful campaigns addressing the rights of women in the workplace. Paid and unpaid maternity leave are key conditions in your agreements. More recently, the union movement participated around the country to achieve paid parental leave for all Australians. In light…