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Today is the eleventh anniversary of Ansett going into administration and we are remembering the long journey it took Ansett workers to recoup their entitlements. We also want to take the opportunity to remind former Ansett workers to claim their super and how to do it. This information on claiming…

ASU child care survey extended

05 September 2012
The ASU urges members to oppose further privatisation of council-run child care centres. Your Union launched a survey this August for local government child care workers. The survey closes 29 September. Survey of child care workers in local government now on Privatising council child care leads to higher fees and…
Legislative change must be considered to stop the widening gender pay gap, after it blew out further to 17.5% in the last 12 months, say unions. ACTU President Ged Kearney said Australian women now had to effectively fit an extra 64 work days into every financial year to be able…
The ASU has made representations to Jetstar about refunding the additional costs that staff have incurred to resubmit tax returns because of the incorrect 2011-2012 group certificates Jetstar issued. Initially Jetstar told staff that reimbursements for accounting costs for this work would be $100. After our representations on this issue…
As the largest local government union in Australia and the only union that covers child care workers in local government, the Australian Services Union (ASU) National Office and State Branches are currently surveying the sector. If you are a local government child care worker, please help us understand your work…
Send a message to our political leaders to lock in the NDIS The Every Australian Counts campaign for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has today kicked off a new campaign action to keep the pressure on the Prime Minister and State and Territory leaders to ensure they lock in…
Unions are today reminding Australian workers to check they are not missing out on wage increases which should have automatically come into effect at the start of the new financial year. ACTU President Ged Kearney said today had been declared National Check Your Pay Day to educate workers about the…
On Friday July 6 ASU Reps joined other bargaining agents in the first meeting about your proposed pay and conditions. The meeting provided time for each Bargaining Rep to go through their log of claims and to provide clarity where it was needed and appropriate. The resounding issue for most…
Australia's lowest paid workers will from today begin receiving an extra $17.10 in their weekly pay packet, as a result of this year's National Minimum Wage review. About 1.4 million workers have been granted an extra 2.9% in their wages, helping them and their families keep pace with the rising…
Australia must better harness its huge pool of superannuation assets to drive investment in nation-building infrastructure, ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver told the ACTU Investment Forum in Sydney today. Mr Oliver told the conference that Australia faces an estimated 'infrastructure investment gap' of around $700 billion over the next decade, which…