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National Executive

31 October 2012
National Executive is the committee of management of the ASU and sees to the running of the Union between meetings of National Conference which is the supreme ruling body of the ASU. National Executive meets three times a year. All National Executive meetings for the current year are recorded in…


31 October 2012
Branches & National Office Day to day operation of the Union. Branches have their own committees of management, executives and other structures. National Executive The body that sees to the running of the Union between meetings of National Conference. National Executive meets three times a year. For more details, please…


31 October 2012
The ASU represents the industrial interests of workers in a number of different industries and occupations, employed in Australian companies both big and small. Below is a table showing our coverage in broad terms - please contact us if you need further information: Industry / Position titles Major employers Local…


31 October 2012
Representing the interests of approximately 135,000 members across the country, the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union, trading as the Australian Services Union or, just simply, the ASU, is one of the largest trade unions in Australia. Formed in 1993 as an amalgamation of a number of unions, including…

ASUjoin information

31 October 2012
Join the ASU! The cost of ASU membership is: $13 a week for full time workers $10 a week for part-time workers earning less than $33,000 a year Remember: union dues are tax deductible! Join now: Click here to enter our secure site where your details can be safely recorded.…

Membership benefits

31 October 2012
Being a union member increases your job security and protects you from unfair treatment in the workplace. This is the core benefit of being in the Union, but the ASU has also negotiated many additional benefits for members ranging from commercial offers to financial and legal advice. Following are listed…
Occupational Health and Safety, or OHS, is something many workers take for granted but the ASU believes it is a core workplace issue. We think that all employers should show the same high standards of care towards their employees, but this is not always the case. As workplaces differ, so…
Making a minimum wage a living wage Each year, unions apply to increase minimum wage rates during the Fair Work Commission's annual wage review process. This is to ensure that both the National Minimum Wage and the award safety net keep pace with the rising cost of living. Not all…
Making workplaces life and family friendly We work to live, not live to work, so ensuring that workplaces don't adversely affect our private lives and actually support better communities, is something unions have fought for over generations. Even the introduction of the Minimum Wage in Australia was based on supporting…

Find My Branch website

29 October 2012
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