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Zero Air Rage

15 November 2012
Air Rage is disruptive passenger behaviour which can range from the failure to obey safety instructions to verbal harassment or physical assault directed at airline staff. Air Rage occurs both at airports and in flight. In flight Air Rage is taken very seriously and has significant penalties for offenders -…

Subscriptions & social media

14 November 2012
Visiting the ASUnational website is not the only way to keep in touch. Social media The ASU is active in social media with profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. If you are active in those networks, we encourage you to follow/friend/join us, too! At top right hand corner of…

Unsubscribe successful

14 November 2012
You have successfully unsubscribed from ASU national email news service. PLEASE NOTE: this unsubscription confirmation relates only to email news alerts services provided by the ASU National Office. If you are subscribed to other email services from your ASU Branch, you will need to contact them direct about those services:…

Update Member Details Form

14 November 2012
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09 November 2012
  Welcome to the Australian Services Union retail shop website. This website was requested by members to allow easy access to ASU clothing, merchandise and other products of interest. This website is for ASU members. If you are a member of the ASU and would like to suggest a product…
Australia's commitment to the 2nd phase of the Kyoto Protocol will mean Australia maintains its role at the forefront of the global fight against climate change and positions Australia to take advantage of the jobs created by a global shift to low-carbon economies. ACTU President Ged Kearney said that the…
Federal Minister for Energy Martin Ferguson has today released the Energy White Paper. It is an important step forward in the discussion around energy and electricity use in Australia. We now have a clear statement from the Federal Government that all Australians want to hear - it is about getting…
The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 requires that the financial affairs of unions are checked and audited every 12 months to make sure union funds are administered properly and to detect any shortcomings. Unions are also required to prepare an operating report. The National Executive and the Branches of…


01 November 2012
Thank you for participating!
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