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The ASU joins the ACTU and other unions in seeking a commitment from the Federal Opposition that local government, state government and all other public sector workers will not be disadvantaged by the Abbott Paid Parental Leave (PPL) scheme. The current scheme introduced by the ALP Federal Government allows a…
After participating in workplace meetings across Australia, ASU members at Qantas have overwhelmingly voted to endorse the ASU EBA 10 deal negotiated and recommended by the ASU's Qantas National Negotiating Team. The ASU has advised Qantas management of these results and so we expect that the company will shortly send…
A pay rise for apprentices awarded by the Fair Work Commission will see more people complete vocational training and boost the skill level of the Australian workforce, the ACTU said today. The Commission has awarded significant pay rises to first and second year apprentices as well as people who start…
The ASU log of claims for the new Toll Dnata Ramp and Cargo agreement has been given to the company after it was endorsed by ASU members. We have had our first meeting with the management representatives to explain to them what ASU members want from a new agreement. Your…
Eric Abetz has confirmed today that an Abbott Government will try to stop workers getting pay rises above inflation unless they give up conditions. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said Mr Abetz's comments in The Australian this morning that the Coalition would demand "excessive" wage rises include productivity reforms should ring…
Business is gearing up for a post-election push to reshape Australia's industrial relations landscape if the Coalition wins office: weakening unfair dismissal protections, cutting penalty rates and trading off conditions under the guise of 'flexibility', the ACTU said. Tony Abbott has today admitted there would be "all sorts of changes"…
Australia can only achieve prosperity, competitiveness and fairness in the 21st century with stronger climate policies that improve carbon and energy productivity, said an alliance of social, union, environment and research organisations today, releasing a policy platform Productivity, Fairness and Sustainable Climate Action. The Southern Cross Climate Coalition, which comprises…
Tony Abbott must rule out changes to penalty rates following revelations his IR spokesman, Eric Abetz, has been secretly meeting with big business groups running a campaign to strip penalty rates from hundreds of thousands of workers. ACTU National Secretary Dave Oliver said Tony Abbott needed to guarantee a future…
Tony Abbott's plans for small business will only be fully unveiled after the election when the Coalition reviews the Fair Work Act to pave the way for cuts to penalty rates, overtime and unfair dismissal protections, the ACTU said today. The policy on red tape and competition laws announced today…
BLIND workers employed by the charitable Vision Australia say they have become the latest victims of a corporate culture that puts profits before people. Originally published 15 August on the Working Life website here Seventy-three blind and vision-impaired employees of Vision Australia Enterprises warehouses in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane will…