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Hundreds of thousands of workers would lose a significant portion of their pay this long weekend if the Abbott Government and employer groups had their way. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said workers such as nurses, hospitality and retail staff would have upwards of $200 ripped from their wages for working…
In Australia, we know the power of organised labour in raising living standards. And, after the recent federal budget, we are also acutely aware of the need to defend the building blocks of a decent society. Read this on the UAA-APHEDA website Workers in Pacific Island countries and their trade…
Qantas has now decided to extend the time frame for all EOIs that are being sent out today in telephone sales to 1st August 2014. Earlier in the week the company had proposed that there would be 2 cut off dates for the EOIs – 4th July 2014 and 1st…
On Monday 9th June voting commences on EBA 2014. This is your only chance to vote NO to the Emirates proposed EBA that, if approved, will set your wages and other conditions until the beginning of 2017. [Download the full bulletin below]    Emirates Bulletin, 6 June 2014
Australia's 1.5 million low paid workers and their families are facing tough times ahead following the Fair Work Commission's decision to only raise the minimum wage by $18.70 a week. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the decision is particularly unfair considering today's National Accounts figures show the economy to be…
Since the announcement of the closure of the Melbourne and Brisbane Telephone Sales Centres on 28th May your ASU representatives have been trying to persuade Qantas management that staff need longer than 4 weeks to consider their options after the centres close. Qantas stuck firm on their time frame of…
An independent report by the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), shows that there are a range of issues with privatisation using the shared services model. The same model is being pushed in some local government areas in Australia. The report "Shared Services - setting unrealistic expectations" by Yuliya Yurchenko…
GSA will be providing complimentary industry briefings during July for users of the local government training package to answer many of the questions we have been receiving in relation to the new standards for training packages currently being implemented across the national training system. Read this item on the GSA…
Claims that the privatisation of the NSW electricity network could deliver $30 billion for infrastructure projects contradict the government's own figures and are part of a deliberate attempt to trick NSW voters, according to the Stop the Sell Off campaign. A Sydney newspaper has reported that a sale of the…
Today we have prepared a video to update Qantas Group members on the latest information about what has occurred across the Qantas Group since Alan Joyce's announcement on 27th February 2014 about the loss of 5000 jobs. You can watch the update here. In two weeks Federal Parliament will vote…