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ACTU President Ged Kearney and Father Bob Maguire today launched the first installation of a solar hot water unit in a Father Bob community house under a new not-for-profit manufacturing scheme designed to create green jobs. "The Earthworker Cooperative program creates green manufacturing jobs in Australia, promotes renewable energy, saves…
Today your ASU representatives met with Qantas to discuss the outcome of the EOI process. We were provided with a high level overview of the EOIs. What's clear is only a small number of people have nominated to transfer to Hobart, which falls well below the 80 staff Qantas had…
Reports of widespread fraud in the 457 visa scheme reinforces concerns unions have about abuse of the scheme. "Unions have always had concerns that employers were abusing the 457 visa program to bring in cheaper labour from overseas," said ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver. "Now we have reports that the 457…
“I HAD to get the children out. I was left with no money, everything taken away from me. I felt less than a person; the emotional abuse is constant. I cannot afford to lose it, I am the sole carer for my children.” By TANIE HARRIS-SANSEYRead this on Working Life…
ASU and ALAEA members at Emirates have told us that the proposed Agreement that was rejected by almost 75% of employees has to be improved and that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) should be asked to assist in getting a good EBA for employees. As a result the ASU/ALAEA will…
The future of children's services across the country is currently being shaped. After receiving submissions from various child care industry stakeholders, including the ASU, the Productivity Commission has released its Draft Report on Childcare and Early Childhood Learning and is calling for responses to their recommendations. Help the ASU with…
Treasury figures revealed under Freedom of Information laws prove that Treasurer Joe Hockey always knew his line 'We're all in it together' was untrue. The Treasury analysis shows that the Federal Budget will cost low-income families on average $842 as opposed to high income earners losing only $71. ACTU President…
This edition contains the following items: Budget freeze on child care funding; ARA advises of new railway maps; Government must provide more money to early childhood care; PIAC challenges electricity networks spending plans; Rugby league heroes Brent Tate and Josh Reynolds back weekend rates and unions; Public Infrastructure - release…
The ASU made a submission to a Department of Social Services (DSS) Discussion Paper on aged care services. The DSS Paper, titled Key Directions for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, was released for purposes of obtaining feedback on proposals for significant changes to the way aged care services are provided.…
On 25 July 2014, the ASU National Negotiating team met with StarTrack management for further discussions about the new Enterprise Agreement. Prior to this meeting the ASU had requested that the company provide us with some detailed information and there were some delays between meetings whilst the company was getting…