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Unions welcome today's publication of the interim report of the Financial System Inquiry. ACTU Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons said unions have long argued that Australia needs a more efficient financial system. "Australia needs a financial system geared to supporting job-rich investment and better retirement incomes rather than generating huge profits…
    Unions will this week be reminding Australian workers to check they are not missing out on wage increases which should have automatically come into effect at the start of the new financial year. >>> ASU members who need assistance checking their pay, please contact your workplace delegate or…
The ACTU today said the rise in Australia's unemployment rate to six per cent in June clearly demonstrates the Abbott Government's slash-and-burn budget is already hurting consumer confidence, jobs and growth. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the destructive impact of Mr Abbott's deeply unpopular budget is being felt in the…
The retirement savings of almost 3.6 million workers, including 2.2 million women will be spared from Tony Abbott's cuts following news today that the Palmer United Party will vote to save the low income super contribution. ACTU President Ged Kearney welcomed Mr Palmer's announcement and said it was a huge…
The Australian Services Union has written to the Australian Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee to express strong opposition to the inclusion of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) and urges the inclusion of stronger provisions to protect the rights of workers…
Australian workers and their families are looking to the new Senate to stand up for the fair go, Australian Unions said today. Speaking ahead of the first sitting of the new Senate tomorrow, ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said that the Senate has a critical role in keeping Australia fair. "Australian…
Australian workers and their families will march in rallies around the nation today to call on Tony Abbott to keep Australia fair and dump his vision of a harsher and less equal Australia. >> To find out about the ASU's involvement in the "Bust The Budget" rallies see: ASU at…
ASU representatives including your ASU Delegates from Brisbane, Melbourne and Hobart met with Qantas management in Sydney on 1 July to receive an update on the call centre consolidation. Qantas gave the union an update on the EOI process and other staff related matters. This update included: Advise on how…
On 2 July 2014, the ASU National bargaining team met with StarTrack Management representatives to discuss the content of a new National Enterprise Agreement to cover all staff in the Call Centre and Clerical classifications at StarTrack. At the meeting Management presented a financial overview of the business. Management and…
1.5 million Australian workers will see an $18.70 boost in their pay packets this week and around 8.4 million workers will see their superannuation contributions increase to 9.5% - all hard fought for by Australian workers and their Unions. "Hardworking Australians deserve decent wages when they're working and security in…