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This edition contains the following items: #BustTheBudget rallies; Time to heed electricity privatisation lessons; E-Oz Annual Conference; Child care regulation is not red tape; Retail win for young workers; Help lay a solid foundation for the union movement in the Pacific into the future; NSW: Stop the power sell off;…
More than six weeks ago, the Abbott/Hockey Federal Budget hit Australians so hard, that the resulting anger continues to shape the public dialogue today. The Coalition Government is continuing to hold firm to their draconian plans for Australia, despite the widespread outcry. Let's show them that we will not forget…
A WikiLeaks exposé has revealed the true intent behind secret 50-country negotiations on a new "financial services" chapter of the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) at the WTO in Geneva. The draft agreement being discussed by government officials is aimed at weakening financial regulation and giving extra market access to…
The retirement savings of millions of low paid Australians is under threat from Tony Abbott's harsh cuts. Each year the Government pays a small amount into the superannuation accounts of low paid workers earning less than $37,000 pa. It is called the Low Income Super Contribution (LISC) and while the…
Both Queensland and New South Wales are embarking on a road that may lead to electricity privatisation, but those states should heed the lessons learned by their southern neighbours who tread that path nearly 20 years ago. We know from bitter experience that "competition" in electricity does not result in…
By putting the brakes on a wholesale review of workplace laws, the Abbott Government has acknowledged that the same hardworking Australians that will take a hit from their budget changes to health, welfare and education are the same people whose wages and workplace conditions will be in the firing line…
Childcare regulation isn’t red tape. It stops our kids getting hurt, or sick, and makes sure they play in a nurturing environment. It makes sure that they are properly supervised by well-trained staff. As a parent, I strongly support the National Quality Framework for childcare and oppose any moves to…
Watch Senator Sam Dastyari taking aim at the NSW Liberal/National Coalition on the sale of the poles and wires that belong to all of the people of NSW. We need more like people like Sam to call it as it is. >>> Read this news item on the NSW US…
This bulletin provides information about the wage rates proposed in the new Employment & Training Enterprise Agreement that is currently under negotiation. This information is current as at 23 June 2014. Wage rate analysis - how you fare under the proposed Agreement At the last bargaining meeting on 12 June…
On 12 June 2014, the ASU and employee bargaining representatives met with MaxNetwork management for the third time to discuss the content of two new Enterprise Agreements for MaxNetwork employees. The current Agreement expires in July this year. It is proposed that one Agreement will cover Health staff and one…