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Your ASU delegates met with Virgin management on Thursday 20 April 2017 to progress negotiations for your new enterprise agreement. We finally heard from management a bit about the changes they want in the new agreement, including: More variable shift lengths (maybe 10 hours one day, 6 hours the next,…
Aerocare today said that their EBA was approved by a majority of employees entitled to a vote – but was it? A significant part of the workforce – i.e. casual employees did not get a vote at all. That is not fair, that is not reasonable. Aerocare say that the…
On the afternoon of 13 April 2017, (just prior to Good Friday, 14 April 2017) Singapore Airlines management released (via email to all staff), the draft Enterprise Agreement for the mandatory 7 day access period, in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). In keeping with Fair Work Act…
Yesterday, Emirates put a slightly revised proposal to Unions and bargaining representatives. The proposal that Emirates put forward is still designed to remove terms and conditions and offer nothing in return. The business is trying to scare people into accepting an inferior agreement by threatening shift workers. Emirates want you…
As predicted, Aerocare management have decided to put their substandard agreement out to vote without any further negotiation or discussion. We have had 3 meetings with the company – these discussions have hardly been protracted! We recommend voting “NO” to this agreement when voting starts on 15th April 2017. This…
Following the meeting on Friday 31st March 2017 Aerocare have given a written response to our claims to improve your Enterprise Agreement. Unfortunately members will have every reason to be disappointed at Aerocare’s failure to improve your terms and conditions of employment. We have won some improvements but Aerocare still…
Commission hearing for the AHSA agreement has been adjourned until 15th May 2017 in Melbourne and by videolink to Sydney The Fair Work Commission asked all party’s to make themselves available this morning to have a brief conference via phone to determine the main issues to be discussed at tomorrow’s…
Throughout 2017 your Union has been involved in bargaining with Singapore Airlines management and the Enterprise Negotiation Team (‘the ENT’), for the new Enterprise Agreement. On 30 March 2017, Singapore Airlines management informed your Union and the ENT that it intends to put the Agreement out to a vote by…
Your Australian Services Union negotiating team met with representatives of Aerocare to continue enterprise bargaining on Friday 31st March 2017. The ASU, along with the TWU, responded to the draft Enterprise Agreement put out by Aerocare on Wednesday 29 March 2017. The ASU detailed, clause by clause, the many improvements…
Australian Council of Trade Union secretary Sally McManus yesterday announced the union movement’s call for a $45 a week increase to the minimum wage. A real increase to the minimum wage will address rising cost of living, inflation and boost the economy. In her speech to the National Press Club,…