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Aerocare are asking you to vote on a proposed Collective Agreement to replace the Aerocare Collective Agreement 2012. The ASU recommends members vote NO to this unfair collective agreement. Why members should vote NO Poor rates of pay:The pay proposal from Aerocare does not meet industry standards and is unsatisfactory…
Jetstar employees endorse new EBA with a 97% yes vote. 97% of employees have voted to accept the terms and conditions of the new EBA, that is a resounding endorsement What next? The Union and Jetstar will file all necessary paperwork with the Fair Work Commission as soon as possible.Once…
Last week, Qantas announced the sale of its catering business to DNATA. ASU delegates, members and officials met with Qantas in Sydney on Friday 13th April to find out more about the changes. What do we know? DNATA is a ground-handling and catering contractor owned by Emirates. DNATA will buy…
The ASU National Negotiating Team has been supported by members across Australia and we recommend that members vote “YES” in support of approving the Jetstar/ASU Agreement 2018. The Process Staff who are covered by the proposed agreement should have now received an email from Jetstar with a copy of the…
Bargaining has continued for the enterprise agreement to replace Aerocare Collective Agreement 2012. The ASU is representing our members during the negotiations to get the best deal for members. What is in Aerocare’s proposed Agreement? Aerocare first tried for a new collective agreement to replace CA12 in 2017. The Fair…
The ASU has taken steps to withdraw objections made on behalf of members to approval of the Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2017. The Fair Work Commission proposed 2 May 2018, to Hear the Unions’ dispute. This date is more than 6 months after Emirates’ October 2017 application. Giving consideration to the…
Malaysia Airlines Enterprise Agreement Update Your union has secured final agreement for a new Malaysia Airlines Berhad enterprise agreement. MAB Employees will be asked to vote to approve the enterprise agreement in the coming weeks. What does the new agreement mean for me? No reduction in conditions  A 3.5% pay…
The ASU National Negotiating Team, supported by members across Australia, recommend that members vote “YES” in support of approving the Jetstar/ASU Agreement 2018. Staff covered by the proposed agreement will have received an email from Jetstar last Monday, 26th March 2018. The email contains a copy of the proposed Jetstar/ASU…
Your Australian Services Union Bargaining Representatives bargained with Aerocare management on Thursday 22nd March 2018 for the Aerocare Collective Agreement 2018, commonly referred to as CA18. What is enterprise bargaining Enterprise bargaining is negotiations for improved wages and conditions between an employer and employees. The outcome of the negotiations is…
Introduction & background The ASU has become aware that Canon intends to commence the GPS Tracking of mobile phones Pilot on the 16th March 2018 (see below email from Canon). Members will recall that Canon had flagged the commencement of this Pilot some time ago. Initially, it was going to…