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ASU-Qantas EBA11 - united for a better future
Our ASU Qantas Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 11 (EBA11) commenced with the release of our EBA survey in October 2015; see Bulletin 1: Qantas EBA11 preparations begin.
A Qantas Group National Delegates meeting was held on 25-26 August 2015; see Bulletin: Qantas Group National Delegates’ Meeting makes plans. The meeting discussed our overall approach to the campaign for EBA11.
Around 60 ASU delegates from all states and territories met in Melbourne on 3 February 2016 to commence preparations for bargaining in Qantas Airways, QCatering and QFIT, see Bulletin: All systems go for Qantas EBA11.
Your National Negotiating Team has been put together - you can find out who the members are in our NNT brochure: Qantas EBA11 - Introducing your NNT!.
It is important to attend your local meeting to consider the delegates' recommendation about the claim. We will also provide members with a detailed understanding of the EBA survey results so watch out for details.
ASU members endorsed our claim after attending meetings and hearing a report on the extensive EBA survey we conducted. We sent our claim to the company on 1 March 2015 see Bulletin: ASU members say yes to Qantas EBA11 claim.
The 10 March 2016 meeting with Qantas management focussed on a detailed explanation of our claims. However, management offered nothing much more in response than spin over substance. Read about it in Bulletin: It’s not all about the Qantas credit rating.
Our third EBA meeting with Qantas on 30th March 2016 gave your National Negotiating Team (NNT) the opportunity to provide the company with more of our detailed claims. More in this bulletin: It’s already “NO” to some of our claims @ Qantas
At our fourth EBA meeting on 14th April 2016 Qantas finally provided us with the issues they want to achieve out of this agreement negotiations. You can find their claims in the following bulletin: Qantas tables their claims.
Following meetings with Qantas since our last bulletin, on 28th April and 11 May 2016, we can report to you about the Qantas key claim of a wage freeze: Qantas say one thing & mean another.
We’ve had two meetings with Qantas since our last bulletin – on 26 May and 1 June (these were our 7th and 8th meetings with the company). Things are moving at a glacial pace. Probably expected when you consider that Qantas is all about a wage freeze. Read about it in this bulletin: No progress yet on EBA 11 at Qantas.
Since our 6 June bulletin, we have had three more meetings with the company – bringing the total to 11 meetings. Our last meeting was on 21 July 2016 and we have had some productive discussions about some issues. Find details in the following bulletin: Time to talk about EBA 11 negotiations at Qantas.
Qantas EBA11 - ASU Claim, 1 March 2016
Qantas EBA11 - Introducing your NNT!
Qantas EBA 11 Agreement and Side Letters